Thursday, January 21, 2010

Heads up, Central High School. The Feds are comin' for ya...

A new bill making it's way through the Colorado Senate may have a cross-town rival scrambling for a new mascot. If Sen. Suzanne Williams of Aurora has her way, 16 schools in Colorado will need to change their school mascot if they don't gain approval from the Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs. Time out here...really? I mean I know some people see the mascots as offensive, but most schools have a reason for naming their mascots after Native Americans (i.e. it's a part of their community). And right now, in this economy, why would you be forcing schools to spend thousands to get a new mascot costume, repaint the logo on the school, and get new uniforms for every club/athletic team? C'mon, let's keep our politic correct-ness in check. It's getting kinda crazy...

See why the Central Warriors should be worried here.

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